Agnieszka Pietrus-Rajman

A certified business trainer and an lecturer at Wroclaw University of Economics. She is a graduate from Trainers’ School, Tutors-Masters’ School, Academy of Cross-cultural Studies (Beyreuth University/Germany) and Academy of Management and Economy (Dresden/Germany). Certificate of a facilitator – APMG International™ Facilitation certificate. Between 2000 and 2005 she was Rector’s of Wroclaw University of Economics Plenipotentiary for the European Union Programs, she has implemented a number of international projects within the framework of EU programs as well as trainings and workshops in the field of international business for representatives of companies, enterprises and institutions concerning intercultural communication, intercultural differences, negotiations, presentation, business correspondence, mentoring and motivation. The author and co-author of a series of papers on the issues of the international labor market and training programs for business representatives. 


Sylwia Anna Wrona

Doctor of economic sciences in the area of management. Lecturer, researcher, consultant, certified business trainer, academic tutor, facilitator of team processes (APMG International ™ Facilitation; 04248120-01-3RDC), Design Thinking moderator. Member of Poland Innovative and Polish Scientific Marketing Society. A graduate of the School of Coaches and Schools of Tutors-Masters (Moderator), School of Academic Tutors (Collegium Wratislaviense), Academy of Diplomacy – course of Diplomatic Protocol (Polish Institute of International Affairs by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Author / co-author of over 80 publications and expertise in the area of marketing and management, as well as domestic and international research and development projects. Co-author of the book “Creation of a corporate brand”. 

She combines scientific and didactic work with practice by providing research and development as well as consulting services in scope of marketing management (market analysis, qualitative research, marketing plans) and brand management (brand strategies, communication strategies). She runs strategic workshops and trainings, among others from business communication, savoir-vivre in business, self-presentation and image creation, creative thinking (creativity trainings), designing innovative solutions based on the Design Thinking methodology, experience design (UXD – User Experience Design) and team-based problem solving based on author’s (Team DK) working method project LIFT – Learning in Facilitated Teams. LINKEDIN


Beata Pachnowska

Ph.D in social psychology, MBA. A graduate of project management trainings (IPMA D certificate, SCRUM). Market and social opinion researcher. Since 1995 vice-president and co-owner of IMAS International – company of market research. For more than 20 years associate professor at University of Wroclaw in Institute of Psychology. Currently co-operates with universities in Wroclaw (lectures and exercises in the field of social and consumers psychology, social opinion research of 1, 2 and 3 degree students). Involved in projects financed from the European Social Fund (by Dobre Kadry, Wroclaw University of Economic, Wroclaw University) and Life+ (by Foundation of Sustainable Development). Develops LLL trainings in different areas. The author and supervisor of research projects for Polish and international clients, with numerous scientific publications also aimed at the general public. An active moderator of quality and foresight research, a coach of young research staff and a member. of PTBRiO (Polish Association of Market and Public Opinion Researchers) and ESOMAR. 


Patrycja Spychalska

She is a graduate from The University of Wroclaw – Faculty of Historical and Pedagogical Sciences, Institute of Cultural Studies. She graduated also from the course of diplomatic protocol at the Polish Institute of International Affairs in Warsaw. She works as public relations manager and screenwriter for various TV stations. She has many years of experience in the preparation and management of the information campaigns using traditional media, as well as digital ones. She has worked and implemented projects for companies and public institutions (The European Parliament, The European Commission, Lower Silesian Voivodship Office, The Municipality Of Wroclaw and others). She has conducted trainings in external communication and preparation of advertising campaigns determined by the cultural contexts. Also is involved in projects financed from the European Social Fund (by “Dobre Kadry” company and Wroclaw University of Economics). She has implemented a number of workshops in the field of cultural relations, public relations and advertising. 


Alina Butkiewicz

Polish language philologist and early-intervention speech therapist. She graduated the University of Wroclaw and the Medical Academy in Wroclaw. Certified lector of Polish as a foreign language. The specialist for people with disabilities and deaf people. A long-term employee and therapist at the Center for the Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Children and Youth with a Disability of Hearing at the Polish Association of the Deaf in Wroclaw. In the period from January 2013 to December 2016, the manager of the Center. She completed sign language courses (first, second, third degree for social services), PJM course (A1 level). The Warnke Method therapist. Since November 2010 she has been the President of the Lower Silesian Branch of the Polish Speech Society.

Author and co-author of articles and publications in the field of diagnosis and rehabilitation of people with hearing impairment and the Deaf on the labor market and Culture of the Deaf. She has completed a number of international projects under EU programs, as well as training and workshops in the field of Deaf Culture and the possibilities of employing people with disabilities in the open labor market.

Trains adult people with hearing impairments in the field of labor market requirements. She conducts trainings for teachers and specialists working with children with a hearing impairment. A long-time collaborator of the company in the field of people with disabilities and the Deaf.


Agnieszka Reisch-Radaczyńska

Special educator and surdologopeda. She graduated the University of Wroclaw. Certified sign language translator. Specialist for people with disabilities and deaf people. A long-term employee and therapist at the Center for the Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Children and Youth with a Disability of Hearing at the Polish Association of the Deaf in Wroclaw. Lecturer in sign language, surdologopedics and special education. The Warnke Method therapist.

Terapeuta metody Warnkego. A long-time collaborator of the company in the field of people with disabilities and the Deaf. Translator of sign language and lecturer during trainings for employers.


Agnieszka Zając

A specialist in the field of surdopedagogy and oligophrenopedagogy. Certified translator and sign language teacher. She is a deaf person. Her passion is sign language, her first language. He understands very well his pupils and pupils as a teacher in the Lower Silesian Special School and Education Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Wrocław. She believes, that deaf people can do anything except hear. A longtime partner of the company in the field of culture of the Deaf people. Sign language interpreter.


Dorota Wójcik – Hetman

She is a teacher with over thirty years of experience in teaching – for 18 years the director of a primary school and a kindergarten in Wroclaw. She is a teacher and an educator. She has developed and implemented a variety of workshops and training for teachers. She is author and co-author of innovative educational programs for students. Dorota Wójcik-Hetman as director of the school maintains a high level of education, by encouraging teachers to use innovative and creative forms and methods of work with students. She has very good knowledge of the educational environment. Since 2009 she has been cooperated with the center: she was the coordinator of cooperation with schools in the project „Ecology”, as well as mentor in the project “Science and technology for food”. She works with Dobre Kadry company above all in the framework of activities of dedicated for education sector. She is co-author of many solutions in innovative projects in the area of teaching methodology in an interdisciplinary team.


Eleonora Żmijowska-Wnęk

Nauczyciel dyplomowany matematyki, doradca metodyczny, przewodnicząca komisji egzaminacyjnej dla nauczycieli ubiegających się o stopień awansu zawodowego nauczyciela mianowanego. Organizator szkoleń i warsztatów dla nauczycieli. Autorka/współautorka interdyscyplinarnych, innowacyjnych programów nauczania. Autorka i koordynator długofalowych, interdyscyplinarnych projektów edukacyjnych. Inicjator i koordynator przedsięwzięć edukacyjnych realizowanych we współpracy z wrocławskimi szkołami wyższymi (długofalowe projekty w ramach EFS skierowane do nauczycieli i uczniów na różnych etapach edukacyjnych wdrożone na terenie całego kraju). Współpraca z Firmą przede wszystkim w ramach aktywności dedykowanych sektorowi oświaty. Współautorka wielu rozwiązań w projektach innowacyjnych z obszaru metodyki nauczania w interdyscyplinarnym zespole.


Stanisława Socha

The chartered Mathematics teacher with experience as a teachers-methodological adviser; a longtime chairman of qualification and examination boards for teachers. As an expert in mathematics, computer science and school education management, Ms. Socha is on the list of experts of the Ministry of National Education taking part in examination and qualification boards for teachers applying for professional promotions. Furthemore, Ms. Socha has extensive experience as a principal of schools following Polish and international programs in Wroclaw, she implemented the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) for students aged 11-16 in public schools. She is also a co-founder of non-public high-school with public school accreditation, operating at the university where students are taught by tenured professors in preparation for higher education. Ms. Socha is  also an organizer and a provider of professional trainings and workshops for both  teachers and school principals. Last but not least, Ms. Socha is an author and a coordinator of numerous organizational, program and methodological innovations in the field of teaching and education, including various projects implemented in cooperation with Wroclaw’s high schools and other institutions.


Aneta Watemborska

Z wykształcenia nauczycielka, dodatkowo trener – szkoleniowiec, doradca zawodowy i ekspert MEN do spraw awansu zawodowego nauczycieli. Posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie w zarządzaniu zasobami ludzkimi. Absolwentka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, ukończyła wiele kursów i studiów podyplomowych, studia podyplomowe na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym we Wrocławiu „Praktyka Zarządzania Projektami Unijnymi”, kurs „Naucz się uczyć innych” i posiada Certyfikat Trenera I stopnia, a także Certyfikaty udziału w programie badawczym Wykorzystanie funduszy europejskich przez polskie szkoły w latach 2008 – 2009 – perspektywa 2010 – 2011 oraz Certyfikat ukończeniu kursu Fundusze europejskie dla szkół 2010 – 2011 wg zasad ustalonych przez MEN. Zajmuje się edukacją i rozwojem osób dorosłych w tym nauczycieli i dyrektorów szkół.  Posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie w pozyskiwaniu środków z EFS, realizatorka i koordynatorka wielu projektów unijnych. Autorka innowacyjnego programu nauczania edukacji wczesnoszkolnej „Droga ucznia do sukcesu” i współautorka programu nauczania „Nauka i technologia dla żywności”.


Magdalena Gruza-Krzyżanowska

PhD in clinical psychology, psychologist, psycho-oncologist, positive psychotherapy consultant (WAPP, Wiesbaden, Germany). Professionally associated with palliative
care. She also work therapeutic with people in crisis and with mourning. She cooperated from the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education in Warsaw, the Lower Silesian District Chamber of Nurses and Midwives in Wrocław and the University of Wrocław. She conducts
trainings in the field of practical clinical psychology, psychological issues in oncology and geriatrics, as well as soft skills training.

She conducts trainings in such areas as: communication skills, assertiveness, coping with emotions and stress, managing emotions, time management, group work skills, working with a „difficult” client (aggressive, claimant, passive), preventing burnout and in the area of
clinical psychology: work with a chronically ill person (for carers and people working with patients), support for older and dementive caregivers, coping with anxiety, depression and mourning. He cooperates with the company as part of the Time2Grow and Go4FutureSkills project.

Marek Pauka

Pracownik Katedry Finansów UE we Wrocławiu, z pasją łączy praktykę finansów z dydaktyką i badaniami naukowymi; ukończył Szkołę Trenerów i Szkołę Tutorów-Mistrzów (Moderator), Szkołę Tutorów Akademickich (Collegium Wratislaviense) oraz liczne szkolenia wspierające proces uczenia się osób dorosłych (Design Thinking, Action Learning, wystąpienia publiczne, emisja głosu); tutor w ramach projektu BIPS (, łączącego uczenie się z praktyką; pomysłodawca i kierownik studiów podyplomowych z obszaru finansów ( Dyrektor Finansowy, Warsztat Analityka Finansowego). Prowadzi badania naukowe dotyczące asymetrii informacji na rynkach giełdowych (akcji i obligacji). Prowadzi szkolenia, w tym indywidualne z top menedżerami, stosując zasady, że „finanse są łatwe” i że „finanse są zbyt poważne, żeby mówić o nich tylko poważnie”. Przenosi narzędzia Pozytywnej dyscypliny J. Nelsen do szkoleń z dorosłymi, a elementy Teorii ograniczeń E. M. Goldratta do edukacji dziecięcej. Wykorzystuje praktyczne doświadczenia swoje i grupy, skojarzenia i krótkie historie z życia, aby przybliżać skomplikowane zagadnienia.  Obszary szkoleniowe i doradcze: analiza finansowa (np. badanie kondycji finansowej, zdolność do wypłaty dywidend, zdolność do spłaty długu, zastosowanie rachunku przepływów pieniężnych); opłacalność finansowa inwestycji (pozyskiwanie finansowania); wyceny przedsiębiorstw; zarządzanie finansami dla menedżerów niefinansowych, MS Excel w finansach.


Alicja Grześkowiak

Professional career at Wroclaw University of Economics. Currently, she works as an assistant professor in the Institute of Applied Mathematics at the Department of Econometrics and Operations Research. She conducts research and teaching activities. The research work is focused on the use of statistical and econometric methods in the analysis of socio-economic phenomena. She published over fifty scientific articles in national and foreign magazines. She is also a co-author of over twenty publications. She participated in research, development and international projects. She presented the results of researches during national and international scientific conferences. She conducts academic courses covering the subject of data analysis and visualization, including the use of advanced statistical software. She is the co-author of academic textbooks. She graduated from the School of Trainers and the Tutor-Masters School, obtaining a business trainer certificate.

The main area of her research interests are socio-economic phenomena in quantitative approach, in particular educational processes, topics related to the human capital, competences and their development, quality of life, labor market issues and regional differences. In scientific work, she uses advanced statistical and econometric methods as well as various data visualization techniques. Particular attention is paid to multivariate analysis and advanced visualization methods. At work, she applies, among others, R software because of wide and continually developed analytical possibilities.

The activity in the company focuses on research work as a part of the diagnosis of needs as well as trainings in the area of data analysis and the use of advanced statistical and econometric methods. Currently, cooperation within the Go4FutureSkills project and realization of commercial research orders.

Marek Kośny

Ph.D, professor at the Wroclaw University of Economics. In his scientific work, he deals with the issues of income levels, their inequalities, taxation as well as the economic situation and economic security of families. He published on this subject two scientific monographs (Taxes and social welfare and Determinants of economic security of families) and dozens of scientific articles and expert opinions for domestic and foreign institutions. He completed research internships at Università degli Studi di Milano, the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research and Bar Ilan University. He is a member of the Society for Economic Measurement (SEM) and the Polish Statistical Association. He conducts classes and trainings in the field of quantitative methods (including statistics and operational research), logistics in the SAP ERP system, project management in MS Project and programming in VBA.


Tomasz Kubacki

Filolog, lektor i tłumacz języka hiszpańskiego (teksty ogólne, ekonomiczne, prawne), pilot wycieczek (kraje Europy południowo-zachodniej), a także rezydent turystyczny (Hiszpania).  Od wielu lat związany z Uniwersytetem Ekonomicznym we Wrocławiu. Praktyk, ponad 20 lat uczy zawodowo praktycznego języka hiszpańskiego i fakt ten determinuje zakres Jego zainteresowań: jak uczyć, by słuchacze rozumieli? Jak uczyć, by zapamiętywali? Jak uczyć, by samemu nie popaść w melancholię lub, co gorsza, wypalić się zawodowo? Reasumując, jak uczyć skutecznie?

Jak sam mówi: Uczęszczał do socjalistycznej szkoły podstawowej, liceum doby przemian a w połowie lat dziewięćdziesiątych ubiegłego stulecia ukończył Filologię Romańską na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim. Podyplomowo przygotowywał się do zawodu nauczyciela na Kwalifikacyjnych Studiach Pedagogicznych Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Ponadto wielokrotnie uczestniczył w kursach i szkoleniach doskonalących, organizowanych dla nauczycieli języka hiszpańskiego w kraju i za granicą. Zajęło mu to około 200 dni.

W Firmie współpracuje w ramach projektów szkoleniowych zorientowanych na kompetencje językowe. Ma świetny kontakt z grupą, potrafi skutecznie zachęcić do nauki języka hiszpańskiego.