Education and education methods
Go for VET in Erasmus+ (03.2023 – 11.2024, co-funded by the European Union, Erasmus+ Program, budget €60,000)
Leader: Zespół Szkół Ponadpodstawowych nr 1 w Krotoszynie
The main objective of the project is to strengthen the potential of VET sector organizations to carry out professional internships abroad under Erasmus+ by developing and implementing new internship programs, along with recommendations and good practices in the field of including students with disabilities in mobility activities. Organizations from Poland, Cyprus, Greece and Finland participate in the project, and we intend to develop two results:
A) Internship programs for (minimum) monthly apprenticeships of foreign students of technical schools in the following professions: logistics technician, hotel technician, veterinary technician, photography and multimedia technician.
B) A set of recommendations, procedures and good practices in the field of including people with disabilities in the activities of foreign professional mobility.
We have planned four study visits in the project, which will be attended by all project partners. The first visit will take place at the end of June in Poland, in Wrocław and Krotoszyn. The second visit will take place to Larnaca, Cyprus in early October 2023. The third visit will be to Kuovola, Finland in January 2024, and the fourth will take place in Athens in mid-April 2024.
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Go4VocationalSkills (01.2022 – 12.2024, co-funded by the European Union, Erasmus+ Program, budget €273,000)
The main goal of the project is to improve the quality of technical school education in Europe by implementing a tool for analyzing the competency gap of students studying in the following professions: construction technician, logistics technician, renewable energy technician. This aim will be implemented by supporting schools in making the teaching process more attractive, including remote teaching, by developing solutions that will permanently improve the quality of teaching and adapt vocational education to market expectations. The development of a tool for a comprehensive assessment of competences in selected fields of study will contribute to eliminating the problem of differences between the level of competences of graduates and those expected by the labor market. It will be possible, through constant monitoring of both soft and hard competences of students during their entire education. The school will be able to better prepare its graduates to enter the labor market, which in itself will increase its attractiveness perceived by students-to-be. Teachers will be able to focus their attention on the identified competency gaps, and students will get a realistic assessment of their chances on the labor market. The use of multidimensional comparative analysis methods will allow for the display of results in a graphic form, which is easy to interpret. The results of the project will contribute to the increase of motivation to act among young people and to undertake various forms of training. The results will also support the evaluation of the educational process and will become an opportunity to implement development projects in order to fill-in any competency gaps. Thanks to the changes introduced in the education programs / development of new trainings, as a result of implementing development projects, it will be possible for teachers responsible for those activities, to obtain measurable results, showing the impact of these activities on eliminating competency gaps. This will increase the willingness to implement such activities – teachers will see the concrete effect of their work. As a result of the activities planned within the project, schools will gain a new metric (graduate competency profiles) to promote their own activities and emphasize the quality of educational process. When the metric becomes popular, it will lead to the improvement of the teaching process in a way that competences of a graduate student will be more adjusted to the needs of the labor market than those of a graduate of a different – competing – school. The project will also respond to the needs of other employees of technical schools – career counselors and pedagogues will receive a unique tool that will help them support young people in designing and implementing career paths. They will no longer have to create their own research tools or use the various tests of competences available on the Internet. The results developed within our project will also address employers’ needs. On the one hand, employers will have access to the assessment of the competences of students from a given school, which will allow them to make decisions about strategic cooperation with a given institution based on more substantive information. On the other hand, due to the universal nature of the tool, it will be possible to easily adapt it, in order to measure the level of employees’ competences. As a result, this tool has the potential to become an element of the process of creating career paths for specialists in the logistics, construction and renewable energy industries. Our activities, within this project, will also be a response to the needs of decision-makers in the area of local, regional, national and European vocational education. By creating a specific solution for monitoring the competency gap of technical school students, we will show that there is not only a strong need, but also a real possibility to change the way VET education functions in our countries.
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VET4ALL (12.2021 – 11.2023, co-funded by the European Union, Erasmus+ Program, budget €60,000)
The main goal of the project is to strengthen the sending, hosting and intermediary organizations in the implementation of vocational training activities involving students with disabilities from technical schools. The project will enable the development of 4 reports containing recommendations in the field of good practices / procedures / tools / behavior patterns supporting the participation of people with disabilities in the VET sector. The project will strengthen the partners.
The project will produce 4 material results – reports. They will cover issues related to: including people with disabilities in vocational education, supporting teachers supervising VET groups including people with disabilities, adapting procedures used in vocational mobility projects in terms of easier participation of people with disabilities, adapting activities carried out in hosting organizations in which internships are carried out by (among others) people with disabilities.
Project partners meeting 7-10 November 2022
All partners in strategic partnership VET4ALL had another opportunity to develop results regarding supporting people with disability in VET sector. This time, an international meeting took place in a lovely city of Wroclaw in Poland during 7-10.11.2022. Or work was focused on hosting organisations. We discussed how we can improve the process of inclusion when it comes to organizing VET mobilities, what materials we can offer to the companies to support this process and how we can improve the experience of Erasmus+ trainees. We get a lot of insights from managers, researchers and from visits to various organisations working with people with disability. Best examples will be published in our report soon! For more details visit Project is co-financed by the European Union.
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TREE ASSESSOR – Partnership for the development of training standards for tree assessors in Central and Eastern Europe
A new branch in a pool of Dobre Kadry projects. Trees, nature and ecology are more and more important in climate changes environment. Well educated diagnosticians mean less accidents with trees, more healthy parks, more sustainable development of urban areas. The aim of the project is to improve the quality and to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the activity for vocational training of people involved in the diagnosis of trees by developing a comprehensive training programme and teaching materials in the field of Diagnostics of trees (Tree Assessment), as well as the standards of training and evaluation of acquired knowledge and skills. Developed in a team of experts from 3 partnership countries a set of standards for training of tree diagnosticians (tree assessors), materials for trainers, manuals and tools for self-evaluation at a basic and advanced level, will be unique offer for the arboriculture in Europe.
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Go4FutureSkills – (01.2019 – 12.2021, European Social Fund, budget €200,000)
A transnational cooperation project implemented in partnership with the Center for Continuing Education Aikuiskoulutuskeskus (Kouvola, Finland). The aim of the project is to develop testing and implementation of new solutions in adapting education and training systems to the needs of the labour market, including mechanisms for forecasting skills and competencies necessary to effectively perform work in current and future occupations. The effect of cooperation will be a Go4FutureSkills model solution using modern tools to create competence profiles and study the level of competencies desired in specific professions and offering development activities in the traditional and e-learning form. In the project, we will implement a model solution in the area of logistics.
How education disruption prompted this Finnish school to reinvent vocational learning
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ECOLOGY project (07.2010 – 12.2013, European Social Fund, budget €1,500,000).
An innovative project implemented in partnership with the University of Wroclaw and companies from the environmental protection industry from Poland and Germany. Cooperation with over 200 teachers from 46 schools from all over Poland. As part of the project, an innovative, interdisciplinary curriculum of mathematics and natural sciences was developed and implemented in schools using the project method.
Projekt EKOLOGIA_Raport z etapu badawczo-diagnostycznego
Ciekawostki w wersji polskojęzycznej, niemieckojęzycznej i anglojęzycznej
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Science and technology for food (07.2014 – 10.2015, European Social Fund, budget €650,000).
Project implemented in partnership with the Faculty of Engineering and Economics at the Wroclaw University of Economics. The project assumes the joint development and testing by teachers and research and teaching staff of the university curriculum of science subjects (biology, physics, chemistry) based on interdisciplinary research projects. The project cooperated with over 50 teachers from 15 schools from Lower Silesia. 72 research projects in microbiology, physics and biotechnology have been adapted to three educational levels. The project used good practices from the German MINT program.
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LIFT – Learning in Facilited Teams (Poland) – (04.2017 – 12.2019, European Social Fund, budget €120,000)
Transnational cooperation project implemented in partnership with University Colleges Leuven-Limburg (Hasselt-Diepenbeck, Belgium). The main goal of the project is to develop, test and implement new solutions in the area of team learning. The target groups of the project are mainly people (especially 50+) working in enterprises and institutions that have common goals and problems to be solved, as well as enterprises and institutions and trainers of adults (internal trainers of the organization and people working in training companies). The effect of the project is to develop a model LIFT solution, i.e. a comprehensive approach to the topic of mutual learning of adults using modern collaborative learning methods; moving away from group training in the direction of learning through (co-operation) activities (with the support of a facilitator) within a specific organization, in the team solving of real problems occurring in a given workplace. The LIFT Model consists of: 1. The concept of methodological and organizational assumptions of interactive learning methods in teams, 2. A guide to the LIFT method, 3. A handbook for facilitators, 4. Training materials for running sessions using the LIFT method, 5. A compendium for employers on the implementation of the LIFT method, 6. A set of implementation procedures.
The implementation and application of the LIFT Model allows to solve the real problems appearing in the organization and to implement necessary changes and to introduce innovations. The high effectiveness of the Model is guaranteed by the cooperation of members of a heterogeneous team, which – with the support of a facilitator – uses the synergy effect caused by the phenomenon of mutual learning and develops solutions that meet the specific needs of a given company or institution.
Koncepcja założeń metodycznych i organizacyjnych
LIFT_Szkolenie Facilitation® Foundation
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Modernity and experience. Academy of competence development for employees of HS Wrocław Sp. z o.o. – (12.2011 – 11.2013, European Social Fund, budget €580,000).
Training project implemented in partnership with Hamilton Sundstrand Wroclaw Sp. z o.o. a corporation in the aviation industry, which in December 2010 bought PZL in Wrocław. The project was based on the diagnosed training needs of the HS Wrocław company. Over 300 people participated in the project, mainly from older age groups.